Why Is Social Media Marketing Important?
Social Media has opened more doors for people to connect than ever before. Many of which are very niche focused while others is used by just about everybody. What makes social media so unique is that we can no longer consider them their own identity but just one more way for businesses and people to share information on the world wide web. This is why the term web 2.0 was coined because instead of information being shared solely one way with websites and blogs, you are having people connecting and sharing in two way conversations on various platforms such as forums, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. What makes the internet landscape even more confusing is the fact that information on the major platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn has become so good that they could be considered search engines in their own right. This is because they have search functionality that lets you find information related to your query on their platform.
What is Social Media Marketing?
Social Media Marketing is the ad portion of social platforms such as Facebook ads, Twitter Ads, and YouTube Ads. What makes these types of ads unique is the ability to hyper target the ad to your specific audience. This has only been made possible by the amount of data that has been acquired about us on these platforms. The reason you should be using social media ads is it allows you to get in front of your audience less intrusively while appearing as more of a supportive companion. For example, when you compare a social media ad to a television commercial, a tv commercial while it may provide useful information, it usually is not something you are interested in and it temporarily stops you from being entertained by watching your show. On the other hand social media ads are targeted to the things your specific audience enjoys, is part of the page (this is where something creative and eye catching is important), and doesn’t disrupt what they are doing. With this said, customers are becoming smarter when using social media as they understand the purpose of social media ads is to sell them on something, but you don’t have to always sell you could use social ads to provide value first making you stand out in the crowd. This is why social media ads are incredible at increase your brands reach much more quickly when compared to regular posts as you are able to have it positioned in front of those interested in your product or service, instead of waiting around hoping someone will eventually find your content. Overall, if you have not generated a large and strong follower base it is important for you to run social media ads if you are looking to improve sales sooner rather than later.
The Benefits of Social Media Marketing
When looking at how people use the internet to learn and share information, there is no better way to connect with your audience than to use Social Media, and to get in front of them quickly by using their prominent marketing feature being ads. By using social media ads, you can experience a great return on your investment as you experience a variety of benefits that go well beyond just monetary. What I mean by this is that with Social Media Marketing, you can experience increased brand awareness, creating positive brand associations, establishing a brand identity with your target audience, and improved communication with your audience. With this will come the monetary benefits that will result from increased website traffic and conversions all made possible with the hyper targeted feature of social media advertising. As a result of getting in front of the people that are interested in your products and services will lead to more people knowing you, more people liking you, and more people trusting you which will result in you creating a legacy. Which means more repeat business as you continue to be there top of mind business of choice for your product and service offerings.
Social Media Marketing Platforms
There are hundreds if not thousands of social media platforms available for use that all are trying to make head way to garner the same recognition and usership that the giants have shown is possible. With this said, you should by only using the large social media platforms until you have a substantial following before you decide to branch out in search of connecting with your potentially missed target market in the platforms that are lesser known. The major social media platforms you should be looking to make full use of is Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. Each of these platforms have a unique function and are all used differently, no matter what people have traditionally told you.
Bopachino – More Than Just A Social Media Marketing Company In Mississauga
Here at Bopachino, we are a digital marketing firm that specializes in all things digital. We execute digital marketing tactics for companies in Mississauga utilizing search engine optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Optimization (SMO), and email marketing.
The reason I decided to create a digital marketing company is solely to build small mom and pop businesses into large enterprises allowing them to leave a legacy behind for their kids and grand kids. The only way I felt this was achievable was through the use of digital platforms such as Google and Facebook which allows businesses to affordably connect with their target audiences both locally and nationally. In addition, now is the best time to capitalize on using the internet to increase your sales rapidly while getting your message across before your business loses any more money and market share to your competitors.
I have spent hours upon hours learning from the best to grow your business, I have trained others in digital marketing, and I once held a position of “digital marketing specialist” at a previous firm. The reason I decided to go off on my own, while terrifying and a ton of work to do on my own, is because I did not believe that small businesses were being served. What I mean is that all agencies only want million and billion-dollar businesses to work with. But I strongly believe that small businesses are the backbone of our country and they are the ones that should be supported to better compete with the large international companies coming into Canada. Let us work together, grow together, and leave our positive mark behind.
Grow Faster With Short and Long Term Strategy Implementation
When it comes to digital marketing there are opportunities for both short term and long growth. This is achieved by implementing all four of the digital marketing pillars. The first pillar is Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The second pillar is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The third pillar is Social Media Marketing (SMM). The fourth pillar is Social Media Optimization (SMO). When performed together, you can tell a cohesive and memorable story that people will follow and watch to see how you grow. This is because your brand will become humanized which people can relate to.