At this very moment of writing this page, I have no idea where you are coming from. Whether that be from a social media platform, a search engine, a paid ad, or you typing into your browser this webpage URL. What I do know however, is that you came here because I provide value and I have utilized digital marketing strategically making it possible for you to find me so we can connect from afar or over coffee. Either way I am happy you are here.

From the front end (the part consumers are interested in) the internet has become an incredible asset for people providing faster ways to find information, share information and build relationships with one another. This is all because for the most part the internet seems organized and efficient. From the back end, where the producers are working to provide value, the internet has been pure madness. How can anyone learn, relearn, and keep up with the pace of changes while managing every other aspect of their business. Especially small business owners who already are managing multiple roles in their organization.

To overcome this daunting, and even frustrating part of your business this is where we come in. We provide digital marketing services to Mississauga businesses as well as to those in other parts of the greater Toronto area. We thought about just doing one thing and becoming known just for one thing like search engine optimization (SEO). But we decided that would be wrong. This is because the only way to get the best results from digital marketing is to utilize all of the tools available to us. You don’t cook in a kitchen with only a knife do you? However, we do focus primarily on marketing for restaurants because that is where our business lives first started, in our family restaurant.

The digital marketing processes we use to grow your business by utilizing the power of internet are the following.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine’s like Google and Bing rank websites based on a variety of criteria to determine what position you should be, whether that be the very first result on the first page or the first result on the hundredth page. The essentials to ranking any website on the first page of Google is to make sure you are providing relevant and useful information that solves a problem, is entertaining, or educates the reader. Find out more about the benefits and why it is urgently important to rank in a high position in search engines.

Rank First To Increase Sales

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Traditional advertising was once considered the only way to get your brand and products known by the public and was predominately only economical for big brands to utilize. This was because they were priced only for the rich and powerful to afford. Search engines flipped that paradigm. Today advertising has been designed for small businesses to easily get their message out. The pure advantage of doing it on search engines is that people are already searching for your product, they just don’t know who to buy from. So by taking the top position on a search engine allows you to be recognized more quickly for having a solution. All it takes is to make your website relevant to the search, and a small bid, and your ranking higher then your bigger counterparts. Here is a secret, the big companies never make relevant page content, so now is your chance to get more eyes on your brand. Discover how you can capitalize on Search Engines using paid ads.

Generate Leads By Being Seen First

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Social Media was first developed so people could communicate and share ideas and information with one another. Things like sharing what they are up to and connecting with family and friends they haven’t seen in ages. As social media grew so did its usage for businesses. However, social media is not something that was ever and will ever be something to push sales onto people. Instead, it is a tool that allows for a two-way communication. In addition, people don’t follow brands because what they sell, they connect with the people of the organization in a personal way. This is were businesses that “get it” are reaping tons of benefits as they have humanized their brand and provide value first before ever asking for a sale. Learn how you can provide value, build a following, build long-term customers, and become the brand people want to always talk about.

Build Your Community

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

With the explosive growth of social media usage and the need to always stay connected, everyone had to expect that social media platforms were going to one day find a way to monetize their platforms. They achieved this by enabling businesses to create ads that would be able to get in front of potential customers who have historically shown an interest in those products and services that are looking to be sold. This can be from people liking and commenting on posts to sharing photos and information regarding certain topics. The advantage of this type of ad is that it appears within people’s feeds without being disruptive, meaning that people are more likely to take an interest when they see it is something that they are interested in that may provide value to them. Find out how you can start using social media marketing ads to generate leads and build a following.

Connect With Interested Users

Email Marketing

We all use email to send important business information, sign up for services and newsletters, and just to send a friend or family member something silly. But email has so much potential that many people have not tapped into, being sales and brand loyalty. This is all due to the ability to building rapport with your target marketing by letting them know your story and explaining why you are the authority in your field. With consecutive strategic emails, you can move your subscribers from knowing you to trusting you which leads to a sale. Figure out how your business can improve sales and brand awareness with the use of email.

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Logo Design and Animation

Everything you and your team does is a reflection of your brand. Your logo is no different. When people see your logo, it represents what you do, who you are, and what you stand for. This is why giant corporations spend millions of dollars trying to figure out what their target audience likes. They use creative art directors and designers, lots of plans, lots of focus groups, and lots of testing and retesting. We say, let’s skip all of that extra stuff and just make a logo that you can feel proud of when telling people who you are. Also, if you are making videos, why not create a cool logo animation for the intro to grab people’s attention instead of a static image. Consider making your brand stand out with a logo design and animation that is affordable for small businesses which they can use in a few short weeks.

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Website Design and Builds

Every successful website has a unique purpose (whether that be to sell books or acquire sponsors), but what matters is how they have been positioned to function with the user experience in mind. They have made sure to make their websites informative, entertaining, useful, relevant, and continually up to date. This can include things like answers to common questions, teaching a new skill, and providing updated news stories. All ways keep this in mind because your website is your digital real estate that people will go to as much if not more than your brick and mortar store. Your content is your 24/7 sales team. This means that you need to take just as much care of your website as you do your physical store by making sure it is regularly maintained with new information. Create simple easy to use websites that generate leads, educate customers, and saves you time with explanations.

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Brand Story Development

People love a good story, like a movie or a good novel. People like to hear the good, the bad, and the turning points that led to the hero save the day and get the girl. Every business, similar to a movie has a beginning, a middle, and an ending that leaves the audience wanting to know what happens next. The reason why certain brands have captivated the attention of millions and have built a cult-like following is because of their human story. Companies like Apple and Microsoft are some that are quickly thought of. Their stories are ones that people can relate to at some level and are excited to be apart of their success. Tell your story of why you started to fight tooth and to do what you do.

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Copywriting/Script Writing

Language is a powerful tool. It can evoke emotions, it can inspire, and it can make people take action. Think about your favourite movie or book. How did it make you feel in the beginning, middle, and end? The way these pieces of work are created are systematically put together by first fully understanding the story, the core message, and the end goal (whether that be to think differently or to take some form of action). By doing this you will be sure to have a creative piece that achieves your objectives whether that be a written or spoken piece. So you’ve got the team, you’ve got the design, now all your missing is some creative copy that informs and sells. Learn what it takes to make language make an impact.

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Why Us?

There is a lot to digital marketing, and we have taken the time to learn, test, and develop strategies that work so you don’t have to. Instead, you should focus on your day to day functions and business development to make sure you have the necessary processes in place to grow. Your growth and future expansion to dominate your industry is our focus and we are prepared to work with your team to help you achieve your vision by utilizing the internet.